Jagga Napi

Pattern background

Jagga Napi

1 khetmuri =

0 bigha

What is Jagga Napi Converter?

The Jagga Napi Converter is a free web-based tool designed to simplify land measurement conversion in Nepal. Whether you’re dealing with land in Bigha, Kattha, Dhur, Ropani, Aana, Paisa, or Dam, our tool allows you to easily convert between these traditional units with just a click.

Why Jagga Napi Converter?

The Jagga Napi Converter is the go-to tool for anyone in need of accurate land area conversions in Nepal. Traditional Nepali land units can be confusing when switching between them, but with a few clicks, our tool will give you the exact measurement you need. Whether you’re in the Terai region using Bigha, Kattha, and Dhur or in the hilly regions using Ropani, Aana, Paisa, and Dam, this tool bridges the gap for seamless conversions.

How Jagga Napi Converter Works

Jagga Napi Converter makes land measurement conversion simple. Here’s how it works:

  1. Select Input Unit: Choose the Nepali land unit you want to convert (e.g., Bigha, Ropani, Kattha).
  2. Enter Land Area: Input the land area value you need to convert.
  3. Select Output Unit: Choose the unit you want to convert to (e.g., Aana, Dhur).
  4. Convert: Click the button to see your converted land measurement.

The results will be displayed instantly, allowing you to make quick decisions regarding land transactions, agricultural planning, or construction projects.

Nepali Land Measurement Units
BighaTeraiLarge land measurement unit commonly used in Terai
KatthaTerai1/20th of a Bigha
DhurTerai1/20th of a Kattha
RopaniHillsLand unit commonly used in hilly regions
AanaHills1/16th of a Ropani
PaisaHills1/4th of an Aana
DamHills1/4th of a Paisa
Why Jagga Napi Converter is Important

Land transactions are common in Nepal, whether you're buying, selling, or just measuring land for development. Accurate conversion between traditional Nepali land units is essential for these activities. The Jagga Napi Converter ensures you can switch between units effortlessly, helping you avoid confusion and mistakes. It's especially useful for real estate professionals, surveyors, and anyone involved in land-related activities to have accurate communication and documentation.

Features of Jagga Napi Converter
Nepali Land Units

In Nepal, land measurement units vary by region:

Each unit has its own conversion rate, and Jagga Napi Converter makes switching between them quick and easy.

How to Use Jagga Napi Converter

Using Jagga Napi Converter is simple:

  1. Select the land area unit you want to convert from.
  2. Enter the land area value.
  3. Choose the target unit for conversion.
  4. Click the Convert button and get the result instantly.

The converted value will be displayed instantly, allowing you to use it for calculations or documentation.

Try the Convenience of Fast and Accurate Land Measurement Conversion

Whether you are a landowner, real estate agent, or just want to understand land measurement better, the Jagga Napi Converter is the perfect tool for you. Try it now and experience the convenience of fast and accurate conversion.

Frequently Asked Questions