No. 1 All in One Online Calculator in Nepal
Welcome to Hisab Sewa, the leading platform for financial tools, stock calculators, unit converters, and utility tools. Simplify your calculations with ease and accuracy.
EMI Calculator
Calculate EMI Amount
SWP Calculator
Calculate SWP Amount
SIP Calculator
Calculate SIP Amount
FD Calculator
Calculate Fixed Deposit Interest
ROI Calculator
Calculate Return on Investment
InCome Tax Calculator
Calculate InCome Tax
RD Calculator
Calculate Recurring Deposit
Share Buy Calculator
Calculate the cost of buying shares.
Share Sell Calculator
Estimate your returns from selling shares.
Dividend Calculator
Determine your dividend income.
WACC Calculator
Calculate the Weighted Average Cost of Capital.
Unit Converters
With our unit converter, you can effortlessly convert between various units. With precision, you can handle weight, length, temperature, speed, time, volume, and more.
Weight Converter
Convert between different weight units like kg, lb, etc.
Length Converter
Convert between meters, feet, inches, and other length units.
Temperature Converter
Convert between Celsius, Fahrenheit, and Kelvin.
Speed Converter
Convert between km/h, mph, m/s, and other speed units.
Time Converter
Convert between different units of time like seconds, minutes, and hours.
Power Converter
Convert between watts, kilowatts, horsepower, and other power units.
Energy Converter
Convert between joules, calories, kilowatt-hours, and other energy units.
Volume Converter
Convert between liters, milliliters, gallons, and other volume units.
Area Converter
Convert between square meters, acres, square feet, and other area units.
Data Storage Converter
Convert between bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, and other data units.
Preeti to Unicode
Convert text from Preeti font to Unicode format.
Unicode to Preeti
Convert text from Unicode format to Preeti font.
Jagga Napi
Nepal's land measurement tool for converting between different land units.
Nepali to English Date Converter
Convert Nepali date (B.S.) to English date (A.D.).
English to Nepali Date Converter
Convert English date (A.D.) to Nepali date (B.S.).
Age Calculator
Calculate your age based on your birthdate.
Currency Converter
Convert between NPR and other currencies.
Body Mass Index (BMI)
Calculate Body Mass Index (BMI)